2018-10-17 | Regulatory


International rubber producer performs production testing with new carbon black product

N.B. The English text is an in-house translation of the original Swedish text. Should there be any disparities between the Swedish and the English text, the Swedish text shall prevail.

EnviroCB C550, Enviro’s new carbon black product, was recently approved by a northern European multinational rubber producer as it placed a small, individual order to conduct production testing with the material.

“EnviroCB C550 has the capacity to replace virgin carbon black in a new infrastructure application area by up to 100 per cent. It’s highly significant that an international rubber producer is stepping forward in this way to approve the material and is conducting production tests. This also benefits our future plant customers,” says Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro.

EnviroCB C550 possesses numerous properties that are better suited for certain types of rubber applications than the standard material EnviroCB P550.

For more information, please contact:
Thomas Sörensson, CEO Enviro, +46 (0)735-10 53 43, thomas.sorensson@envirosystems.se
Urban Folcker, CFO Enviro, +46 (0)760-00 13 11, urban.folcker@envirosystems.se
Alf Blomqvist, Board Chairman Enviro, +46 733 149 700, alf@blomqvistunlimited.com

Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 8 503 01 550, is Enviro’s Certified Advisor at Nasdaq First North Stockholm.

Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB
Regnbågsgatan 8C
SE-417 55 Gothenburg, Sweden

Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) is required to publish this information under the EU market abuse regulation. The information is provided by the contact person listed above for publication on 17th October 2018 at 11:15 CET.