2020-11-19 | Regulatory


Nomination Committee for the AGM 2021

The nomination committee in Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) (“Enviro” or “The Company”) has been formed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting.

N.B. The English text is an in-house translation of the original Swedish text. Should there be any disparities between the Swedish and the English text, the Swedish text shall prevail.

In accordance with the decision at Enviro’s Annual General Meeting in 2020, The Company’s nomination committee for the Annual General Meeting 2021 shall consist of four members, of which one member should be the Chairman of the Board, who summons to the first meeting. The other three members are to be appointed by the, per the last bank day of September, three biggest shareholders in number of votes in the company where a representative is appointed by each shareholder. Should one of these shareholders decline the possibility to appoint a member, this right will be brought over to the, in size of number of votes, next following biggest shareholder. The member that has been appointed by the, in number of votes, biggest shareholder is to be appointed chairman of the nomination committee unless the nomination committee decides to appoint somebody else. When the voting is equal the chairman of the nomination committee has a casting vote. The constitution of the nomination committee is to be made public no later than six months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The members will receive no compensation for their work.

The nomination committee has been formed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting and has the following constitution:

– Sander Vermeulen, representing Michelin Ventures S.A.S. (chairman of the nomination committee)

– Peter Sandberg, representing Pegroco Invest AB and Pegroco Holding AB

– Lennart Persson, representing himself

– Alf Blomqvist, chairman of the board of Enviro

The proposals of the nomination committee will be presented in the notice of the annual general meeting for 2021 and will be published on website of The Company. The Annual General Meeting will be held in Gothenburg on May 20, 2021.

For further information, please contact: 
Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro, +46 (0)735-10 53 43, thomas.sorensson@envirosystems.se
Urban Folcker, Enviro CFO, +46 (0)760-00 13 11, urban.folcker@envirosystems.se
Alf Blomqvist, Chairman of the Board of Enviro, +46 (0)733 149 700, alf@blomqvistunlimited.com

Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 (0)8 503 01 550, ca@mangold.se, is Enviro’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm.

Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB 
Herkulesgatan 1K
SE-417 01 Gothenburg
