N.B. The English text is an in-house translation of the original Swedish text. Should there be any disparities between the Swedish and the English text, the Swedish text shall prevail.
Peter Sandberg, formerly a member of the Committee, replaces Sander Vermeulen, representing Michelin, as Chairman of the Nomination Committee. Vermeulen, who remains a member of the Committee, is to leave the post of Chairman of the Nomination Committee at his own request. Peter Sandberg is Chairman of the investment company Pegroco Invest AB.
Enviro’s Annual General Meeting adopts the principles for the Nomination Committee and according to the most recent decision, the Nomination Committee is to comprise four members, of which one member is to be the Chairman of the Board, who also convenes the first meeting. Other members are to be appointed by the three largest shareholders in the company by number of votes as of the last banking day in September, with one representative being appointed to the Nomination Committee by each of these shareholders. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee is to be the member who, on the formation of the Nomination Committee, represents the largest shareholder by number of votes, unless the Nomination Committee unanimously resolves to appoint another person.
For further information, please contact:
Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro, +46 (0)735-10 53 43, thomas.sorensson@envirosystems.se
Urban Folcker, Enviro CFO, +46 (0)760-00 13 11, urban.folcker@envirosystems.se
Alf Blomqvist, Chairman of the Board of Enviro, +46 (0)733 149 700, alf@blomqvistunlimited.com
Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 (0)8 503 01 550, ca@mangold.se, is Enviro’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm.
Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB
Herkulesgatan 1K
SE-417 01 Gothenburg