




Quality anniversary: 40 million components delivered to Volvo Cars

Another milestone reached. Enviro has now delivered recovered carbon black to Volvo Cars via AnVa Polytech’s environmental rubber compound for two years, with more than 40 million components installed in Volvo cars across the world.

“With two years’ worth of deliveries to Volvo Cars under our belt, our recycling and production plant are well past the needle’s eye for industrial requirements for quality and supply security,” says Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro.

Since Volvo Cars approved the use of Enviro’s recovered carbon black, EnviroCB, in early 2016, more than 40 million chassis and body plugs and other types of components produced by AnVa Polytech’s eco-rubber have been delivered to the automobile manufacturer. Efforts to expand the product selection continue.

“We’re currently supplying 20 separate eco-rubber product profiles and we recently signed a contract for additional new applications for upcoming Volvo models. The agreement with Volvo Cars stretches several years into the future and Enviro’s the only player that can provide the quality of recovered carbon black that meets all our and Volvo Cars’ quality requirements,” notes Jan Bäckström, Head of marketing & sales of AnVa Polytech.

In addition to Volvo Cars, AnVa Polytech also supplies eco-rubber components using EnviroCB to other industries, such as the international pipe manufacturer Alvenius in the form of pipes and fittings.

“Supplying materials to Volvo Cars for two years is a real quality anniversary and a weighty argument for players who are looking to invest in our plants. Our partnerships with Volvo Cars and Alvenius also show that Enviro is a stable materials supplier for industrial enterprises in need of high-quality rubber components,” says Thomas Sörensson.

For more information, please contact:
Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro, Tel.: +46 (0)735-10 53 43, thomas.sorensson@envirosystems.se  
Jan Bäckström, Head of Marketing and Sales AnVa Polytech, +46 (0)706-55 65 94, jan.backstrom@anva.se

Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB
Regnbågsgatan 8C
417 55 Gothenburg