Continued important steps toward broad commercialization and industrialization.
Q4 2022
- Net revenues for the period were MSEK 2.0 (1.0)
- Earnings after tax for the period were MSEK -25.0 (-18.1)
- Earnings per share for the period (before dilution) was SEK -0.03 (-0.02)
- Cash flow for the period after investments was MSEK -26.2 (-16.6)
- Enviro receives pyrolysis oil order worth MSEK 2 from Preem
- Michelin unveils the world’s first two tyres approved for road use containing 45% and 58% of sustainable materials, respectively amongst which recovered carbon black from Enviro.
- Construction permit granted for Enviro’s planned facility in Uddevalla
- Leading US oil company has made successful production tests with Enviro’s oil
- Michelin and Bridgestone foresee that demand for up to 1 million tons of recovered carbon black by 2030
Jan-Dec 2022
- Net revenues for the period were MSEK 8.0 (7.6)
- Earnings after tax for the period were MSEK -83.6 (-57.0)
- Earnings per share for the period (before dilution) was SEK -0.13 (-0.10)
- Cash flow for the period after investments was MSEK -98.5 (-55.7)
- Enviro appoints Staffan Kullberg as new CFO
- Construction permit application submitted for Enviro’s planned facility in Uddevalla
- Enviro initiates detailed design stage for its plant in Uddevalla
- Enviro receives a pyrolysis oil order worth MSEK 2 from a subsidiary of a leading US oil company
- Enviro receives order for recovered carbon black from a major European tyre manufacturer
- Sharp increase of interest in Enviro’s recovered materials as a result of the war in Ukraine
- Enviro granted environmental permit for planned facility in Uddevalla
- Enviro’s pyrolysis oil approved under REACH – the company is now to execute a MSEK 2 order
- Enviro launches a new branding platform
- Michelin presents an even more sustainable racing tyre using Enviro’s recovered carbon black
- Enviro granted renewed loan of MSEK 6.5 associated with Åsensbruk operations
Significant events after end of period
- Enviro receives follow-up order for oil from a leading US oil company
- After the period-end, Enviro secured financing in the form of an external loan of MSEK 40.