2023-05-24 | Regulatory


Quarterly Report Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) January – March 2023

A breakthrough as desirable as it is unprecedented.

Jan-March 2023

  • Net revenues for the period were MSEK 4.1 (1.4)
  • Earnings after tax for the period were MSEK -24.4 (-17.8)
  • Earnings per share for the period (before dilution) was SEK -0.04 (-0.03)
  • Cash flow for the period after investments was MSEK -29.0 (-21.8)
  • Enviro receives follow-up order for oil from a leading US oil company
  • Enviro secured financing in the form of an external loan of MSEK 40.
  • Enviro and Antin Infrastructure Partners to create the world’s first large-scale tire recycling group, supported by Michelin

Significant events after end of period

  • Enviro has successfully completed directed share issue of 150 million shares and raises proceeds of SEK 300 million